Board Member Remote Voting

Board members can vote remotely. It’s an excellent method to allow directors to vote on matters during meetings without having to travel and disrupt the business. It can save time and money as it eliminates the necessity for board members travel and pay for travel, trains buses, hotels or business meals. Additionally, it helps reduce the cost of printing and storing paper documents.

If you choose to allow members of the board to vote by email during a virtual meeting it is essential to establish an unambiguous voting procedure. It is also important to make sure that all the conditions are fulfilled to make a decision valid. The procedure for voting (including the definitions of «yes» as well as the definitions of «no,» «yes» and «abstention») must be clearly outlined in the agenda. The board members must respond to the vote request within a reasonable period of time. The presiding officer must confirm that the voting process is complete and the results are recorded in the meeting minutes.

If you want to ensure that your board members are able to vote in a safe and secure way It is recommended to switch to a more effective tool such as a board portal. These platforms offer the highest level of security to ensure all details are protected and no one is able to manipulate the results. These tools also boost the participation of directors as they are encouraged to share their opinions and participate in discussions before deciding on issues.

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