Board Portal Software for Nonprofit Organizations

The software for your board portal you select should be able to meet your governance goals by providing features that expand according to your meeting management needs. It should also provide a seamless experience on all devices that directors use. Make sure you choose a provider that offers 24/7 support with FAQs, help videos, and ongoing training sessions. A dedicated support team who can handle issues quickly can keep your board focused on what is most important–making decisions that align with the organization’s goals.

If you’re looking for a portal for your board you should look for one that has built-in secure document sharing and digital signature capabilities. This will ensure that the information shared during the meetings is accessible only to those who require it and not circulating in private email inboxes, which could create security risks. Look for a provider that offers a quick easy, simple, and user-friendly electronic signatures for remote and hybrid meetings that can be verified for authenticity.


Many non-profit organizations use boards portals to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their boards. The boards of these organizations are responsible for the development of operational strategies and public policy that impact the entire community. When these organizations utilize board-management software to streamline and simplify their governance processes, they are able to save time for their members. These organizations can take advantage of the features of their board management software to hold more efficient, engaging meetings that lead to meaningful change.

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