Virtual Document Safe Storage

Virtual document storage is essential to many companies. A VDR will make it easier to share documents with service providers, investors or even team members. It will also stop data leaks and data breaches. This is particularly important for businesses that rely on paper, such as accounting and law firms.

What is a virtual document?

A virtual document is a document that is comprised of other documents (components or children). This allows the structure of the file to mirror the logical document regardless of the different nature of the documents involved. A report, for instance, may be written in Word however it may also contain tables in Excel and an PowerPoint presentation as an appendix. Virtual documents allow the logical document to be broken down into diverse elements that can then be managed in the same way as other documents.

Components of a virtual document can be added or removed independently from the parent document. This means that any changes made to the component files do not get automatically changed in the parent document’s version tree. In addition, if the whole assembly of virtual documents is frozen, changes to the component files will not be automatically updated.

Documents can have a digital watermark that is unique which allows anyone to identify who has seen, used or altered the document. This enables the perpetrator to be identified and punished if documents are stolen.

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