What Does a Boot Scan Do?

A lot of antivirus programs provide an option to scan for boot issues. This is an extremely powerful tool that can remove malware that is not removed with normal methods. This type of virus can hide in the boot sector or trustfulwonderful.com/ even encrypt files. It is typically more difficult to eliminate than a runtime scan. It is crucial that you make use of an antivirus that is able to run a boot scan because this type of virus is not necessarily more difficult to spot but can also be extremely dangerous.

Avast’s Boot Scan is an effective way of checking for hidden threats. It can identify threats that are normally overlooked by runtime scanning and can remove them without disrupting the operation of Windows. However, it could take a long time to complete the scan since it must examine all your system’s files. It is recommended to disable essential programs when you start your computer and disconnect any external storage devices. This will enable the program to focus on internal files. You can also schedule the scan to run at a time when you aren’t using your computer.

First, you’ll need to open Avast and then go to the Settings menu. Select the Protection tab from the settings menu, and then click on the Boot-Time Scan tile. You can select whether you want to enable a full or quick scan, download the latest definitions, and then set the actions that will be taken when a threat has been detected.

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